Guddoomiyaha Aqoon Raadiska Somaliland Oo Ku Baaqay In Laga Shaqeeyo Arrimaha Dalka


Hargeysa (TNN)-Ilaa maalintii Somaliland ay dib ula soo noqotay xoriyadeeda iyo dowladnimadeeda 1991, Somaliland waxay si aada uga shaqaynaysay si ay caalamka ugu muujiso awooda ay u  lee dahay inay sameeyso nidaam dawladeed oo casri ah, oo ay u dhanyihiin dhinacyadiisii oo dhan.

Somaliland waxay siisay mudnaanta kowaad nabad galyada iyo xasiloonida. Mudnaantaas iyo  xasil oonindaas waxay siisay umada Reer Somaliland inay ku noolaaddan xasilooni iyo deganaansho.

Waxay qaaday talaabooyin lagu xoojjinayo dimoqraadiyada wadanka si loo adkeeyo - dhaqanka dimoqraadiyada(democratic culture ) taas oo soo jiidatay indhaha caalamka, siisayna kalsooni dadka Somaliland

Somaliland waxay samaysay hab dawladeed oo ku dhisan qaabka madaxtooyada oo leh dhinacii xukumada iyo sharci dajinta. Waxyaabaha ugu muhiimsan ee astamaha dawladnimada waxaa ka mid ah waa rabida dadka (self determination of the people ) , si ay taa u xaqiijiso Somaliland waxay samaysay doorsho xor iyo Xalaal ah 2001 , dadka reer Somaliland waxay fursad u heleen inay mar kale codkooda ku xoojiyaan sida ay raalida uga yihiin dawladnimadii iyo xornimadii ay la soo noqdeen 1991.

97% ayaana tageeray fikradasi waxaa taasi ka danbaysay doorashooyin isdaba jooga oo lagu adkaynayo tayada dawladnimada Somaliland iyo dhaqanka dimoqraadiyada.

Waxaa la dhaqan galiyey 2002 dooroshooyinkii dawladaha hoose , 2003 waxaa la qabtay  doorash adii madaxtooyada ,2005 waxaa la qabtay doorshadii barlamaanka, 2010 waxaa la qabtay  doora shadiii labaad ee madaxtooyada , talaabooyinkaas oo dhani waxaa loola jeeday in dhidibada loogu aaso tayeynta dawladnimada iyo dimoqraadiyada; dhinaca kalena taasi waxay hoos u dhigtay  fikr adaha qabiilka ka imanaya ee aan Jaan qaadi karin fikrada dawladnimada

Waxyaabaha kale ee sii xoojinaya tayeynta dawlada casriga ah ee Somaliland waa bulshada  rayd ka ah , qurbe jooga oo iyaguna dhamaan door wayn ka ciyaara horumarinta dimoqraadiyada iyo dhaqaalaha dalka .

Wadashaqayntasi iyo wadajirkasiba waxay Somaliland u suurto galiysay inay ka hortagto  caqaba da faro badan . caqabadaha ugu waa-wayn ee ay Somaliland ka hor tagtay kuna guulaysatay  wa xaa ka mid ahaa qabashadii doorashadii madaxtoyada ugu danbaysay june 2010 . sidii dorashada loo qabtay iyo sidii dadku uga qayb galeen waxay tustay caalamka bisaylka siyaasiga ah iyo  arag tida dheer ee ay u leedahay Somaliland garashada dawladnimada iyo habka dimoqraadiyada.

Ka soo qayb galayshii calamiga ahaa ee ka soo qayb galay doorashadii 2010 waxa ay markaati ka noqdeen natiijadii doorashada kuna amaneen Somaliland iyo commisionka qaranka sidii ay  hawsha as u mamuleen oo la socota sida ugu wanagsan ee doorasho loo qabto. ( international standard)

Waxaa doorashadaas ku soo baxay madax waynaha hada Mudane AHMED MOHAMUD SIILANYO oo ahaa musharaxa xisibiga KULMIYE ahna siyaasiyiinta ugu khibrada badan Africa; 40 kii sanno ee ugu danbeyey ku lug lahaa siyaasada, dhaqaalaha adduun waynaha Africa iyo Somali-da, waxa kale uu ahaa mujaahid gudoomiye u ahaa markii xaaladuhu ugu adkayeen xorayntii Somaliland iyo jabhadii SNM .

Marka la tix raaco umuuraha xaga sare aynu ku soo sheegnay Somaliland waxay xaq u leedahay inay ictraaf deg-dega hesho kuna fadhiisato kursigii xaqa ay u lahayd iyada oo la mida dawladaha kale ee calamka

Dhinaca kale markaad eegto Somaliland waxay leedahay cadow faro badan oo doonaya inuu  xorn imada iyo horusocodkeeda caqabada ku abuuro . taas waxaa ka mid ah, shaqaaqada maalmaha u danbeeyey ka socda gobolada bariga. Waxaan hubaa inay taasina si deg-deg ah u dhaman doonto insha Allah.

Waxaa hubala dadka walaaha ah ee wada dhashay waligoodna wada daganaa inay ka wada  shaq ayn donaan nabada iyo xasiloonida iyaga oo baqii madaxwaynaha tixgalinaya aqbalayana.

Waxaa kale oo jira siyaasiyiin xaalad abuur samaynaya kuna hadlaya hadalo lagu jahwareerinayo shacbiga,

Siyasiyiintaasi waxaanu odhan lahayn madaxwayanahan lagu soo doortay dimoqraadiyada iyo  da wladiisu waxay sameeyeen aragti hiraal( vision) , hadaf (goal) iyo barnamijkii (objective)  hiraalk aasi lagu xaqiijin lahaa. Waxanu madaxwaynu arrintaasi si mug leh ugaga hadlay khudbadii uu u jeediyey baarlaamanka 07 FEB 2011, waxaanu jecelnahay inaanu siyaasiyinta ku nidhaahno aynu ka wada shaqayno horumarka iyo mustaqbalka Somaliland

Madaxtooyada Somaliland dhawan iyadoo la kashanaysa bulshada raydka ah (Non-State Actors) iyo qurbe jooga, saaxibada Somaliland, waxaa la qabanayaa bisha july sanadkan shir caalamiya oo lagaga hadlayo, staratejiyada aqoonsi raadiska Somaliland ( a workable strategic recognition road map.)

N:B (Waa iyada soo English- ah ) Hoos Eeg

Let us work together and focus on the future for a better Somaliland.

Beginning from the restoration of the Somaliland state in 1991, Somaliland has been working hard to prove to the world its ability to bring about fundamental structures and policies of a modern state. Somaliland gave first priority to peace and security. This peace and security has provided Somaliland population to enjoy law and order, uninterrupted democratic elections and freedom of expression, and above all deepening democratic culture which attracted the attention of the international community.

Somaliland put in place a system of government based on presidential model of governance with all its branches of legislative and executive. One of the main factors of the legitimacy of a modern state is the self-determination of the people. Therefore, testing the legitimacy of the Somaliland statehood, the Somaliland governments held a free and a fair referendum in 2001. The people of Somaliland opted for the independence of Somaliland with an absolute majority of 97%. This has been followed by holding series of democratic elections, starting with 2002-municipal election 2003-presidential election, 2005-parliamentary election and 2010-second presidential election. These processes have strengthened the democratic institutions and policies of the modern state where at the same time it reduced the negative aspect of the clan systems and clan structures of the society.

Other aspect of the strength of the Somaliland modern state is the viable non-state actors ( civil society) and the Diaspora who have been playing a crucial role in the democratic process and policy-making of the country. Having all these dimensions and strengths, this nation has overcome many challenges. One of the biggest challenges was the last presidential election- The June-2010 election. The way in which the voters behaved during the election and election was implemented has shown the world the maturity and the magnanimity of the Somaliland emerging democracy. International observers witnessing the election validated the results of the election and praised the Somaliland electoral commission and the public in adopting international standards.

The winner of the 2010 election Mr. Ahmed M. M. Silanyo, the candidate of the Kulmiye Party is one of the experienced politician in Africa who has been involving in global and African politics and development in the last forty years and a former freedom fighter who was the chairman of the Somali National Movement( SNiM) in most its difficult times.

In connection to the above -mentioned factors, Somaliland deserves to be recognized and take its right place in the community of nations, sooner than later.

On the other hand, adversaries of Somaliland have been engaged in all sorts of designs to undermine The conflict in some spots of the eastern parts of the country is one of these evil designs which I am sure Somaliland will overcome it. There are also ill-informed politicians who have been recently creating confusion and deliberately making misleading statements of the current situation of the country and even surprisingly revisiting the June presidential election that President Ahmed Silanyo won with a slide majority, raising, doubts about the results.

We would like to say to these politicians, this democratically-elected President and his government have worked out a vision, goal and objective to reach this vision during its mandate. This vision was mentioned in detail in the annual speech that the president made to the parliament (the House of Representatives and the Council of Elders). We would like to say to these politicians, let us work together and concentrate on the future for a better Somaliland.

The government together with the non-state actors, the Diaspora and other friends of Somaliland is organizing an international conference, in July in Hargeisa on the recognition of issue, influential international personalities in media, international law and development who are friends of Somaliland will attend this conference. The conference will also focus on peace, security and the democratic process of Somaliland; issues that important for the recognition. We are expecting that the conference will produce a workable strategic recognition roadmap.


Dr Mohamed-Rashiid Shiekh Hassan

Office of the international affairs and country recognition;