Intervention in Siilanyo’s government is warranted for the sake of Somaliland


Ibrahim Mead
Ottawa, Canada

An Arabian proverb categorizes people in to four kinds of people:

1- “He who knows not and knows not he knows not. That one is fool shunt him
2- He who knows not and knows he knows not. He is simple- teach him
3- He who knows and knows not he knows. He is asleep-wake him
4- He who knows and knows he knows- he is a wise person-follow him”

It seems that our government is in category (1) one situation, provide that they do not intend to destroy our country, which I believe they don’t. However, we have to get involved. Instead of shunting them; we have to intervene and urgently so.


“Intervention is a conscious process by which change is introduced into peoples' thoughts
and behaviors. The overall objective of an intervention is to confront a person in a persuasive non-hostile manner and allow him to see his self-destructive behavior, which affects him, and this loved ones.”
We believe the President is in a similar situation as far as governing is concerned. We believe that he needs help for the sake of the nation even though the president denies this situation.
It happened in 1988 in his SNM administration. We solved the problem they created in that said period by intervening. We saved a beleaguered (Chairman Siilanyo) leader and a troubled (SNM) Organization. It was a win, win situation even though it was a short term remedy!

The (would be) interventionists, the wise moral men and women of Somaliland must clearly and unambiguously but respectfully, inform the affected government of Somaliland of the truthful information regarding the situation of the nation and how it may have affected the unity and harmony between the communities and between the ruler and the ruled.
The immediate objective of an intervention is for the self-destructive person to listen and to accept help before it is too late. Like wise it is Mr. Siilanyo to listen and accept help

Here in Somaliland case, a concerned conscionable and moral sector of the society must intervene, Siilanyo’s administration, in a persuasive way, but in no ambiguous terms they must show them how much damage they inflicted on Somaliland reputation, relationships with her people and with the community of nations, her policy regarding its fundamental tenant which is her independence and integrity. The urgency of now is that our peace and stability are at stake now.
President Siilanyo and his Ministers seem that either they don’t care or they do not understand the consequences of the game they are playing in this election.
Siilanyo and cabals running his administration seem that they are delusional or practice that disorder, or they are dishonest demons or they are asleep in need to wake them up!
In all cases intervention is warranted

What is delusion?

Dilution is a psychotic disorder
“Delusions are irrational beliefs, held with a high level of conviction, that are highly resistant to change even when the delusional persons are exposed to forms of proof that contradict their belief”

Siilanyo’s administration believes what the rational people laughed-of and called it shameful and lies. That was the 70% achievement, the so called Ministers of Mr. Siilanyo claimed they have achieved! That is the time most of the people concluded that their government is delusional!

According to Muj Boobi, the clique running the government does not understand why the people don’t see what they see! Why the people don’t see the achievements realized by Mr. Siilanyo’s administration!?
On the other side the people are wondering and asking among them selves what achievements!?
The people don’t understand why Mr. Siilanyo is destroying what has been built for the last 20 years let lone achievements!?

What is apparent here is that there is a distance and disconnections both in miles and mind between the Siilanyo’s administration and the people, between the ruler and the ruled.
Mr. Siilanyo and clique seem that they are in a bizarre dilution focused on wacky vision centered on matters that would be impossible in reality. For example the president marked a stone as a sign of constructing a road (3) three times in Kalabaydh and Tugwajaale Road. Three people, the vice president, a Minister and the President opened Salaxle road! The clique is lost! They need help. The country needs help! Intervention is necessary here.

We must not let them put the country in to chaos. Intervention is warranted before this election destroys us. This election must be stopped because they can not peacefully manage, because justice is denied, because democracy is trashed and because category (1) one as mentioned above is running the country upside down! Intervention is a must if we are serious in keeping Somaliland in tact.
However peace and prayers

Ibrahim Mead