M A H A D   C E L I N



Asalaama Calaykum Warraxmatullaahi Wabarakaatuhu

Salaantaa Islaamka,ee qaaligq ah,iga wada guddooma,salaam ka bacdi waxan jecelahay,in aan idiin soo gudbiyo mahadcelin ku saabsan sida wanaagsan,ee sharafta lah,ee aad maqaalladaydii diiniga ahaa,ee taxanaha ahaa iigala qayb qaadateen,oo bulshadeenna u hawl yarayseen,in ay ka  faa'iidaystaan, iya doo mawduucii Adduunka ama Kownku soo cagacageeyey dhamaad,oo ay dhowdahay haddii Allaha  w eyni idmo,waqtigaan soo gebagebayn lahaa,iyadoo runtii aanay mawduucyada weli dihini  yarayn, had dana buugaag kale,oo aan qoridooda gacanta ku hayey,oo qabyo ah,ayaan is lahaa qaar aad  dhaqaa jisid,insha Allah,waxan mar labaad u mahadcelinayaa,oo aad ugu mahadcelinayaa shebekadaha sida joogtada ah,mawduucan u daadeheeyn jirey:


Waxa aan shebekedahaas u dirayaa mahadnaq,aad u diirran,waxanan Alle uga baryayaa guul iyo  gob animo,iyo inuu raxmaddiisa iyo raallinoqodkiisa ugu deeqo.

Waxa bilowgii aan isku deyey si akhristayaal farabadan mawduucu u gaadho,in aan shebekado kale u diro,laakiin qayb ka mid ah,shebekedahaas kale,waxanay lahayn farsamada qoraalka carabiga ah,sida Aayadaha iyo Axaadiista,soo bandhigi kara,oo muujin kara,qaarkoodna way ii soo cudur daarteed sida qarannews.com,kuwa kalena markaan arkay qoraalkii carabiga ahaa,oo lambarro isu bedeley,ayaan door biday in maqaallada carabiga xambaarsan,aan ka daayo,waxase la yaab lahaa rag iskuma jiree, in shebekadaha qaar ku xidheen in ay mawduuca soo bandhigaan shardi,odhanaya soo dir sawirkaaga!!!qaarna yidhaahdeen is liis garee rag liis garaysan ayuun baannu maqaallada u daabacnaaye!!!shebekadahaa waxa ka mid ah: redsea-online.com,ramaasnews.com,iyo murtimaal.com

waxan in badan u sheegay,in aanan anigu shakhsi ahaan magac iyo maamuus gaar ah,ku doonayn, la akiin waajib i saaran,oo qof kasta bulshadiisa kaga aaddan keliya aan gudanayo,bulshadayduna wacyi gelin iyo toosin,ama khayr is farid ay dadkeeda ka sugayso,nasiib darrose,ma ay garwaaqsan  hadalk aygii,waxanan u sheegay redsea-online,oo iga dalabtay,in aan is liis gareeyo,in aan waqtigii is  liisgara ynta soo dhaafay,oo aan ka maarmi karo,cidda shardigaa wadata!.

Runtii waxan ku celcelinayaa mahadnaqiinna,waxana xusid mudan sida xeel dheerida ah,ee aad u  diya arisaan,una tafatirtaan mawaadiicda,taas oo laga dheegan karo,sida aad ugu doortaan mawduuca aad soo bandhigaysaan,muuqaallada ka turjumaya,iyo marmarka qaarkood oo cinwaanka aad sii  dhamayst irtaan,oo siisaan weji aad ugu munaasib ah,waxa aad tihiin runtii indha bulshada,manta iyo waqtigan aynu ku jirnona,waxa lagu dagaalamayaa waa saxaafadda,oo xambaarta dhambaalka,la rabo in  fikrad deeda cid loo gudbiyo,ku dadaala Alla khayr ha idin siiyee,in aad u tabantaabisaan bulshadeenna waxa anfacaya If iyo Aakhiro,oo xoogga saara sidii aynu uga daweyn lahay aafooyinka,ay ugu horreeyaan Qabyaaladda,iyo Qaadku, waxana lagama maarmaan ah,in dadku u arkaan kalsooni,iyo wax lagu faano diintooda,iyo dhaqankooda waafaqsan diinta,oo aanay wax isku moodin dhaqan shisheeye,iyo akhlaaq darro,cilmina aanay moodin Af qalaad,ee ay ku faanaan afkooda hooyo,oo aan afna biyo u  cabbaynin, marka laga reebo Afka carabiga oo uu afkeennu la bah yahay,waxanan idiin soo attach-garaynayaa  m aqaal,aan isku barbardhigayo Afsoomaaliga iyo Af ingiriisiga,oo caddaynaya in Soomaaligu  sarreeyo ,waxyaalahaa aan soo tilmaamayn oo dhan shebekadihiinna ayaa u hirgelin kara,si wada jir ah,iyo si midmid ahba.

Waxan idiin rajaynayaa,khayr iyo horumar iyo guul iyo gobanimo.


Shebekadaha cusubee
Kala shuba aqoontee
Shaashadooda akhristuhu
Sheyguu u baahdaba
Shiddo li'i ka helayee
Shaanshaan wixii jira
Shalay amaba maantadan
Sheekadeeda aad heli


Waa shukriga Eebboo
Ragga loo shirrabey baa
Shacnigeeda saaroo
Sharafteeda toosiya
Shey shey bay u qaadaan
Shifo kaaga yeelaan
Shaxda taad degaysona
Shaki li'i u taabtaa


Sheeko weeye cusuboo
Shaahid aad u tahayoo
Shirka aan walaaciyo
Shakaal kaaga toosnayn
Neef laguu shidheeyoo
Shilalkii dul yaalloo
Shafka iyo xubnaha kale
Kala shiilay doorkii


Shaahna aad u saaray
Shaashaduna waa tane
Shebekadaha wararkiyo
Shaybaadhka cilmiyada
Aad kala shukaamiso
Kaama ay shishaysee
Sheedday ogaalkaa
Shardi kuugu xidhaysaa


Waa inaanad shaashayn
Shuhubada ku sii dayn
Shaydaan la kaashanin
Sharafteedu waxay tahay
Sheekh inaad u leedahay
Shaxda qaabka loo dhigo
Iyo kala shushubideed
Haddii kale shar boodiyo


Shiddo iyo dhib weeyeen
Shuclada iyo warkaygana
Shebekadahan leeyahay
Shugri naqu idiin mudan
Sharaf baad horseeddeen
Shakhsiga aan idiin qirin
Sharaftaad u qalantaan
Shookigaa dhex noo yaal


Shay baa dardaaran ah
Shaadhkaad xidhanaysaan
Shaalkaad huwanaysaan
Shardigow adkeeyoo
Sharafteenna diintiyo
Dhaqankii ha shaashayn
Iftiinkaad shidaysona
Ahaw kaan ku shaambinno


Ahaw sheedda khayrka leh
Ahaw shubaha samihiyo
Shaafi kii horseedaya
Shebekadaha maantow
Sheeg kii wanaagga ah
Ha shareerin weligaa
Shaaci oo ha qarinine
Shamsadiyo qorraxdiyo


Shammac ifa ka yeeloo
Shaydaan ka raacdee
Shakigana ka dheeree
Sharaftiinna weeyaan
Waa shaagga rogmayoo
Shukaanta aad u haysaan
Shar iyo khayr dhexdiisa ah
Shaqaalaha dadaalee


Shebekadaha hagayoow
Shaanshaan ninkii jiraa
Shaashadiina la socdee
Sheega khayrka kii mudan
Sheela xumaha idilkii
Sheyga aad tebinaysaan
Shaahid baan u wada nahay
Sharxa oo ha seegina


Sharafteenna diintiyo
Dhaqankeenna shaalka leh
Shoobaro wixii wada
Shardigeena may helin
Shaydaankay la jaalyiin
Sharka cawdubilla dheha
Shugri Eebbe dabadii
Shebekadaha wararkee


Shirrabaadda ba'an laan
Shugrigii u dirayaa
Shaxduna way ku xidhantay
Ha shuuriso farriintii
Shaanbiya wanaaggoo
Shu shuboo aqoontii
Sheega oo ha sheelina
Sharafteenna diineed
Shugri baad u qalantaan
Shugri baan idiin naqay
Shugri baan idiin naqay


Saeed Ibrahim Hussein






Somali Language & English Language(Comparison studies)


Asalaama Calaykum Warraxmatullaahi Wabarakaatuhu
I want to send my greetings and best wishes to Farshaxannews and it's readers.

Somali Language & English Language(Comparison studies)
Somali Language
Somali Language is recognized as one of the Afro-Asiatic Language family,specially Hamatic group where it's member of Cushitic languages which containing Oromo,Afar,Saho,Sedamo..etc,that is the results from western schooler who are not native speakers of this language,where most of those who speak this language as their mother tongue,I mean the owner and native speakers believe that this languge is related to Sametic Language than Hamatic Languge and that it's not Cushitic.

The Somali language has been the national language since 1972,gaining official status with standardization(Standard Somali) and the adoption of the Latin alphabet.
The exact number of speakers of Somali is unknown. One source estimates that there are 7.78 million speakers of Somali in Somalia itself and 12.65 million speakers globally.
It is spoken by:Somaliland and Somalia in ethnic Somalis,Djibouti,Ethiopia,and by the Kenya and Yeman.
Somali has 22 consonant phonemes, with at least one in every place of articulation described on the IPA chart, It has five basic vowel sounds, each having a front and back variation, as well as long or short versions.
The Somali Latin alphabet used since 1972 was developed specifically for the Somali language using all letters of the English Latin alphabet except P, V and Z. There are no diacritics or other special characters, although it includes 3 consonant digraphs: DH, KH and SH. Tone is not marked, front and back vowels are not distinguished, and a word-initial glottal stop is not shown. Capital letters are used at the beginning of a sentence and for proper names.
Somali people majority or mostly speak with one language it's Somali language which most of it's vocabulary is Arabic as well as it's building and its phonemes goes under Arabic rules, where the western Scholers(Almustashriqiin)wrongly added this language to the family of Hametic language specially Cushitic language but really this language is related to Arabic language than any other language where there is more than 50% of it's vocabulary is Arabic and in every field of the language there are majority Arabic words we know that the relation between two language may be either basic relationship or communicative relationship,and if the two languages have basic relationship means these two language shares in original background forexample when these language shares words telling about the earth,heavens,the body parts… etc they have basic relations.
Where communicationally languages can relate each other,and it can take and can give loan words,you can see easily that Somali language and Arabic language having both relations Basic and Communicative relations as an example earth in Somali language it's said Ardi or Arli where Sky is called Samo and about body parts face is weji,neck is une,back neck is raqabad,heart is qalbi,chest is sadri,brain is Aqli,mind is laab,forhead is nasin,knee is ruug and other words which are invisible but has a close relation with body such life is naf,soul is ruuh,dead is mowt,near to die is sakaraat,grave is qabri and many other words which is basic relation where other communicative words are too much and approxmaitily more than 50% of the vocabulary.
Somali language is just like Arabi language where it's pronounciation is just and exactly same with it's spelling,that means you will right what you heard without changing or missing any of that sound you heard.
Every place of articulation is equal to the Arabic place of articulation except G and Dh and these two consonants are used in Arabic dialects for example Q or J in Arabic sometimes are pronounced as G,but Dh is close with the(daad), so that all Somali phonology and phonemes are same with Arabic Language ones.
In Somali language you will write down exactly what you have heard like the International Phonetic Alphabet(IPA).
Somali Language is over all other Languages it's rich and very reflexsive in every action and every needs,there are many cases making it the important and over from other Languages,which we will take a swift tour on it,as an example only.

English Language
English is a West Germanic language that originated from the Anglo-Frisian and Lower Saxon dialects brought to Britain by Germanic settlers and Roman auxiliary troops from various parts of what is now northwest Germany and the northern Netherlands in the 5th century. One of these Germanic tribes were the Angles, who may have come from Angeln, and Bede wrote that their whole nation came to Britain, leaving their former land empty. The names 'England' (or 'Aenglaland') and English are derived from the name of this tribe.
Strange language
When the English tongue we speak
Why is "break" not rhymed with"freak"?
Will you tell me why it's true
We say "sew" but likewise "few"
And the maker of a verse.
Cannot cap his "horse" with "worse"
"Beard" sounds not the same as "heard"
"Cord" is different from "word"
Cow is"cow" but low is "low"
"Shoe" is never rhymed with "foe"
Think of "hose" and "dose" and "lose"
And think of "goose" not of "choose"
Think of "comb" and "tomb" and "bomb"
"Doll"and "roll","home" and "some"
And since "pay" is rhymed with "say"
Why not "paid" with "said",I pray?
We have "blood"and "food" and "good"
"Mould" is pronounced like "could"
Wherefore "done" but "gone" and "lone"?
Is there any reason known?
And in short it seems to me
Sounds and letters disagree!.

Hints on pronounciation for foreigners

I take it you already know
Of though and bough and cough and dough?
Others may stumble,but not you
On hiccough,thorough,slough and through?
Well done! And now you wish,perhaps
To learn of these familiar traps?
Beware of heard,a dreadful word,
That looks like beard and sounds like bird
And dead: it's said like bed,not bead
A moth is not a moth in mother
Nor both in bother,broth in brother
And here is not mach for there
And dear and fear and pear
And then there's dose and rose and lose
Come,come,I've hardly made a start!
A dreadful languge? Why, man alive!
I'd learned to talk it when I was five
And yet to write it,the more I tried
I hadn't learned it at fifty-five.

Let's see the different spellings for one consonant phoneme in English:
f fat,after,if
ff stuff,official
gh enough,roughneck,tougher
ph physics,apostrophe,graph
pph sapphire

k Keep,cookie,took
ck package,crackling,sack
c cool,cane,laconic,picnic,ironic
cc accolade,accordin
cu biscuit,circuit
ch chemistry,school,lachrymose,tech
cch saccharin
que conquer,plague
cque lacquer,racquet

sh shy,ashen,fishnet,hush
ch chef,moustache
si tension,emulsion
ssi profession,mission
shi cushion,fashion
ti station,option
ci precious,ancient
sci conscience,conscious
ce ocean,gaceous
su censure,cocksure
ssu fissure,tissue,assure
There many other consonant phonemes which takes different spellings such s,z,g,c,y…etc but we will take above mentioned ones as an example,you've to know that Somali Language does'nt have such these problems it's spelling is same with it's pronouncing,it's a language is fid as a fiddle and accurate in every field lexical meaning,garammatical meaning,or utterance meaning.
In Somali Language you can get reflective imperatives where you can't get from any other language in the word such when I want to give command some one to do something for himself for example I want to tell him to clean or take a bath by himself I will say by Somali Language Nadiifso iyo Maydho,if it's plural you will say Nadiifsada iyo Maydha….such these you can't get except Somali Language where it's differ to say Nadiifi or Maydh it's clean and wash,for example clean it for you is phrase is approxmaiatly to such this kind of commands.
When we talking about relative relations in Somali Language you can get separate words fof it but in English you use explaining words such grand,step,in law….etc,such grand father,garand doughter,step mother,sister in law,brother in law,father in law,mother in law…etc.
In Somali Awoow,Aaye,Dumaashi,Seeddi,Soddog,Soddoh…etc.
We should all know why English Language became the first in the world,that is why it became wide spreaded language and that is because one day Britain was the Empire called the Empire which sun never sat from it(Imbardooriyatu latii laa taqiibu canhaa ashamsu),because it's colony was mostly spread over most countries in every continent in the world,that is what let it get such this chance although it's a very poor language in every side,and I am sure that if the interest and giving care to the Somali Language goes as it's going on now it will break the record and will become the first Language of this world,these days there are newly born poets and educated people who are giving special care to there Language,and there is no doubt about that internet and websites played a great role for improving and giving revival of this Language.
We hope that coming days will show a new pleasure and brightness of Somali Language.




Saeed Ibrahim Hussein