A ship named Somaliland



By the Name of Allah
First I would like to wish my people a Happy Aid.

Then let’s go back to our business and the reality in Somaliland in which for the last couple of days the situations is getting worst with the corrupt  Gu urti MPs willing to maintain Rayaleh . I would like to give some advice to the Guurti and Rayaleh regime if they have time to read my advice of course.

Let’s imagine that 99% of the earth has been submerged by the sea (war, tribalism and terrorism like Somalia) and there is only 1% left from the  ear th to survive (Democracy, Justice and development). Imagine that  Somalil and is like a ship or an arc (Just like the Arc of Noah). The Ship has been build by the same people (Somaliland people) who are aboard. They builded this ship in order to reach the 1% left of the earth. The occupant of the ship and their engineers programmed the ship in such a way that it will take them (with exact latitude and longitude) to the only surviving 1% soil.

The occupants of the ship decided to elect a Captain (Daher Rayaleh) for a period of time to supervise and do the necessary jobs inside the ship in or der to attain the preprogrammed destination (Democracy, Rule of Laws). The new elected captain didn’t knew anything nor had any experience  abo ut the captainship and how this ship is build. Everything went worse when the captain decide to change the course of the ship claiming that the ship is going to the wrong direction. The engineers of the ship told him that the ship is doing fine and there is no need to change the direction. The captain claimed that he knows better than the engineers and he start with the help of corrupt sailors (Mps from the parliament and Guurty) to threaten the occupants of the ship (Somaliland people) that there will be a shipwreck and the ship will go down if they don’t listen to him.

How the people will listen to him while they know that the captain is leading them to a certain shipwreck? Why the captain and his sailors are  threate ning the people with a shipwreck when they are also part of the ship and if the ship goes down they will not survive too? Are they stupid or are they expecting that they will survive by swimming to no where?

If Somaliland goes down nobody will escape except by God’s will. If Rayaleh and his jesters believe that they will have an easy way to escape from the drowning, THEY ARE WRONG.

We all know that UDUB spend a lot of money to get support from both the parliament and the Guurti. We all witnessed that this didn’t worked with the parliament because it is composed of constitutionally elected intellectuals MPs.

However the Rayaleh’s “investment” worked well with some 3rd  generat ion, illiterate, tribes oriented and unconstitutional Guurti MPs  (Unconstituti onal because they were never been elected). Some of them are more than 80 years old still willing to make dirty money behind their grand kids.

I am wondering when they will spend that money. May God forgive us.

And this is the problem with our culture, because most of us believe that a man become reasonable when he attain the age of 60 which is not true because reason doesn’t come with the age but rather with self improvement along with God help.

How an 80 years old tribesman can be a judge in a democratic process when ¾ of his life is infected with tribalism?

In contrary he will see democracy and the rules of law through the  constit ution something that undermine his authority. And this is what exactly going on now inside the Guurti.

Most of the Guurti MPs who are claiming that Rayaleh deserve a 3rd chance are guided by personal profits but mostly by tribes affiliations and they  ke ep their eyes closed from the repeated constitution and people rights  viola tions of Rayaleh and his jesters. They are afraid that Saleban Gaal  (Haba jaclo) will take the president seat and they will like promoting UDUB injustice rather than having Silanyo (Another Habarjeclo) elected democratically.

Who cares? Do Somaliland poeple care about this? No. They only want demo cracy, developement, the rules of justice rather than tribalism and the so-called Guurti are the real obstacles.

However the real question is: how an unconstitutional House can constituti onally extend or not the president mandate?

For those people who have sick ideas I would like to insure them that I am not a HabarJeclo or a kulmiyeh supporter (I don’t even support none of the parties), I am just another Somaliland lover and there are thousands just like me who really worries for their people and country.

We don’t care who will be elected president but we need to see the rules of justice and Rayaleh had is chance to prove that he is incapable to rule by justice.

God's will always prevail.

God bless Somaliland.



Jibril Y. Cumar
Kabul, Afghanistan