Somaliland Societies in Europe
360 Great Western Street
M14 4BY
Tel: 0044 161-2493978
Mob: 00447930655099


Somaliland Societies in Europe (SSE) and its member organisations in Europe congratulate the govern ment of South Sudan and its people on their achievement of independence to become the 193rd sta te in the world. You deserve to join the ranks of the independent nations and become one of the you ngest nations in the world.

We are delighted to see that our brothers and sisters in South Sudan are celebrating the birth of the ir new nation, the beginning of a new era and an end to a bitter and long struggle for self-determina tion. We hope that your declaration of independence will open a new era towards peace and stability between the two sister nation of Republic of South Sudan and the Republic of Sudan and wish to see the leadership of both countries working together for the mutual prosperity of their respective peo ple.

The SSE feels honoured that The Republic of Somaliland, represented by His Excellency President Ahm ed Mohamed Mohamoud and his delegation, joined you for the declaration of your Independence. During the last 20 years Somaliland has achieved what many independent nations have not achieved. With very limited foreign assistance, Somaliland has established effective and working institutions. Despite being unrecognised by the international community and being surrounded by violence, terro rism and piracy, it has maintained peace and stability for the past 20 years. The latest presidential election held on 26th June 2010, described by independent international observers as free and fair and the subsequent smooth transfer of power was a testimony to the maturity of the democratisati on process in Somaliland.

The Republic of Somaliland has implemented one of the most successful experiments of democratisat ion, conflict resolution and peace building processes in Sub-Saharan Africa. These are remarkable ach ievements which the Republic of South Sudan can learn from. Likewise, our nation has important less ons to learn from your achievements to accomplish your mission and your dream to become a free nation and join the independent nations of the world.

Our two nations share similar struggle for sovereignty. We are happy yours has come to a fruitful e nd: the raising of your flag. We hope you will assist us realise of our dream. Your deserved declara tion of independence will indeed serve us a unique opportunity to continue with our struggle to gain a similarly deserved international recognition for the Republic of Somaliland and expect your assistan ce in our endeavour to join the ranks of independent and sovereign nations.

Enjoy your newly gained precious sovereignty.


SSE Executive Committee